Featured Session: Empowering Nutrition Security: A Vision for Health Equity and Impactful Partnerships

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, July 16 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM CST

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Event Location

Location: McCormick Place, IFT FIRST Theater (S100 Ballroom)

Event Details


In a world where food security remains a pressing issue, the quest for equitable and sustainable nutrition solutions stands paramount. This featured session delves into the heart of this challenge, emphasizing how food science plays a critical role in achieving ‘food as medicine’ approaches and overall food and nutrition security. We’ll explore how advancing food and nutrition security goes beyond simply ensuring enough food for all—it involves leveraging transformative partnerships and cutting-edge food science. Collaboration between governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities is essential for implementing bold solutions that integrate food science principles to enhance food safety, quality, and nutritional value. Join us as we showcase the vital role of food science in addressing global challenges and embark on a journey towards a future where food and nutrition security is not just a goal, but a reality for all.

Focus Area: Health & Nutrition
